Friday, March 2, 2012

H.R. 4122 Big Cat Protection Act

  Big Cats and Public Safety Protection Act of 2012 Bill Summary H.R. 4122, the “Big Cats and Public Safety Protection Act,” will ensure that lions, tigers and other dangerous big cats, which are bred to be sold and kept as pets or for financial gain in the U.S. in alarming numbers, do not threaten public safety, diminish global big cat conservation efforts, or end up living in horrible conditions where they can be subject to mistreatment and cruelty. The bill will prohibit breeding and private possession of big cats exempting only qualified, accredited AZA zoos, where they can be properly cared for and restrained.  Wild Animal Sanctuaries having given sanctuary and safe haven for big cats that have been confiscated for decades will be asked to take in animals. There is no possibility of determining the numbers of dangerous Exotic Big Cats being kept in private hands and what their condition is in the U. S., through the U.S. Department of Agriculture (USDA), state agencies, and local first responders. Only nine states have laws enforcing “no wild animals permitted”, the remaining states have weak or no laws in existence. This bill will require all persons who currently possess big cats to register those animals with USDA. After the bill becomes law, it will be illegal to breed any big cat except at accredited AZA zoos where breeding will be allowed for conservation purposes only. Violators of the law will have their animals confiscated along with any vehicles or equipment used to aid in their illegal activity, and could face stiff penalties including fines as much as $20,000 per animal, and up to five years in jail. Statistics- Since 1990 incidents involving Big Cats    21 Deaths  - 16 Adults 5 Children 246 Maulings 254 Escapes 143 Big Cats Killed 128 Big Cats Confiscations There are 29 States that have laws governing ownership of the Big Cats. There are 21 States that have no laws governing ownership of the Big Cats. No other country on our planet has so freely allowed the breeding and selling of Wild Animals as pets, or for financial gain, by providing a license for that ownership as does the U. S. Dept. of Agriculture. There is not one thing we can give a wild animal in captivity that they need. What they do need is to be born free, in their natural environment. Let your representative know you want their support on this bill! Find your representative at: Calls to your Rep will make far more difference than just an email, but if you would like to sign a prewritten letter that will be emailed to your local representative please go to Thank you! And please spread the word! The more people are educated the better chance we have of making real change!