Tuesday, March 29, 2011

The Zoo

Thinking about the circus has gotten me to thinking about the zoo. What does the zoo do to help conserve and preserve our wildlife? Especially the big cats. I would love to hear from people about their zoo's program for conservation, preservation, or education. I know the zoo in my hometown isn't up to par. I would much rather see more natural and larger enclosures for the big cats. I have never had an experience at our local zoo when there has been a guided tour educating people about the animals. Does your zoo do that? I would like to see more zoos educating the public with tour groups. There are far too many zoos that keep their animals in tiny enclosures, which provides no benefit to the animal and gives the public the impression that it is okay to keep these wild animals in such small homes. We want to change the way the public views these animals, not as pets that can be locked in tiny cages, but as wild animals that should be respected. The only way that we can convince the public that it is not okay to keep these animals in such inhumane conditions is to change the way they see the accredited zoos and sanctuaries treating them. Let's start by asking our local representative to make stricter laws about the way accredited zoos and sanctuaries keep their animals. Check out my link at the bottom of the page to find your local representative and start making a difference today!

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